MBSB - Waslah

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Product Features

  • Location: Whole Malaysia
  • Interest Rate: 5.55%
  • Payout: 97% -(1 Month installment)-Stamp Duty(RM50) - Insurance
  • Tenure: Min 6 years - Max 20 years
  • Finance: Min RM3,000 to RM200,000
  • Salary: RM700 and above only
  • Age: 19 years and above
  • Expired Facility: 58 years old
  • Tat: 2 - 3 Weeks
  • Yuran: Waived
  • CTOS: RM20,000 and below.(Please provide settlement statement if customer wishes to settle)

Important Notes

  • Maximum eligible can go up to 75% ONLY

Payslip expiry date

Payslip will expire every 20th. Example:

  • February payslip will expire on the 20th April.
  • March payslip will expire on the 20th May

Document List

  1. MBSB Agreement
  2. BPA - 1 copy
  3. Photocopy of IC(disahkan majikan) - 2 copies
  4. Payslip original - 1 copy
  5. Payslip photocopy(disahkan majikan)(3 copies) for 3 months
  6. Pengesahan Jawatan
  7. Bank Account copy(disahkan majikan)
  8. Borang Amanahraya
  9. Borang Wasiat(Please provide photocopy of Kad Wasiat if customer inform he/she already has an account with amanahraya)
  10. Borang Temanku
  11. Settlement statement(if any)
  12. Opsyen Letter(if any)

Koperasi to request new settlement statement if settlement statement expired

  1. Kowaja - Kop Wawasan Pekerja - Pekerja Berhad
  2. Koop Aid - Kop Serbaguna Pertanian Perusahaan Kemajuan Berhad
  3. K. Punb - Kop Pembangunan Usahawan Nasional Berhad
  4. Ukhwah - Kop Pendidikan Islam Malaysia Berhad
  5. Koop Pusamaju - Kop Pembangunan usahasama Masyarakat Maju Bhd
  6. Kobeta - Kop Bersatu Tenaga Malaysia Berhad
  7. KoIman - Kop Serbaguna Iman Malaysia Berhad
  8. Kopesadik / Komaju - Kop Maju Ekonomi Pekerja Berhad
  9. Kowamas - Kop Wawasan Malaysia Berhad
  10. Kosetia - Kop Perkhidmatan Setia Berhad
  11. Koputri - Kop Putri Terbilang Malaysia Berhad
  12. Kuasa - Kop Usahawan Muda Malaysia Berhad
  13. Sejati - Kop Sejati Berhad (Ambank / Direct)
  14. Koop Gemilang - Kop Gemilang Siswazah Malaysia Berhad
  15. CTOS : (Bank Rakyat) (Personal Loan)
  16. CTOS : MBF(Cards)
  17. Koop Giat Maju - Kop Giat Maju Berhad
  18. Koperkasa - Koperasi Koperkasa Berhad

Non Target Market

  1. Mostly all submission from majlis.
  2. Kontrak
  3. DBKL
  4. Guru sandaran terlatih atau guru sandaran tidak terlatih - Reject

Target Market

  1. All Ag Payslip
  2. Polis
  3. LHDN
  4. State AG
  5. Perkeso
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