Kobeta -CIMB

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Product Features

We have a new Kobeta package, KOBETA-CIMB.

The criteria as per below:

  • Location: Whole Malaysia
  • Employment Status: 6 Months and Above.
  • Loan amount: 2,000 - 250,000
  • Min & Max tenure: 10 years (Fix)
  • Interest: 5.99%
  • Payout: 80% -(2 months installment) - amount di bawah:
  1. Caj Pentadbiran – RM100.
  2. Fi Masuk – RM10.
  3. Advance and MEMBER FEE 6 MONTHS - RM540 (termasuk 6 bulan pendahuluan wajib RM180).
  4. Cooperative Share – RM500
  5. Khairat Donation – RM50
  6. Stamp Duty – 0.5% dari jumlah pembiayaan yang diluluskan + RM10.
  7. KWPPA (Kumpulan Wang Perlindungan Pembiayaan Anggota) @ Takaful – 8%
  8. Sinking Fund - 2%
  • TAT: 2-3 weeks

Document List

Dokumen Diperlukan:

  • 3 copies of Salary Slip of the latest past 3 months [original certified by the employer-COMPULSORY 3COPY].
  • 3 copies of NRIC [original certified by the employer].
  • BPA (2copy)
  • Respective head of division/department’s confirmation and verification letter on employment status
  • A copy of bank passbook or statement
  • Certified Settlement Statement [required for overlapping-exp 2 weeks & above].
  • Staf DBKL perlu menyerahkan ‘Borang Emolumen’ asal dari Unit Gaji.
  • Copy of Retirement Option Letter, if applicant choose to retire at the age of 56/58/60 [original Certified by Employer].
  • Dokumen (Notice Assignment) Acknowledgement wajib ditandatangani oleh pemohon.


Kobeta Calculation :

  • LIST TM & NTM KOBETA CIMB /BRT-update 23/11/2016:
  1. Media:TM-and-NonTMkobeta-listing-NEW3.pdf
  2. Media:TM-and-NonTMkobeta-listing-NEW3.zip
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