MBSB - XChange-i

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Product Features

  • Interest Rate:
    • With Banca Takaful : 4.30%
    • Without Banca Takaful : 4.50%
  • Payout: 97% - 1 month installment -Stamp Duty (0.5%) - Processing Fee(2.0%)
  • Tenure: Min 5 years - Max 20 years
  • Finance: Min RM50,000 to RM200,000
  • Salary: RM700(inclusive of fixed allowance) and above only
  • Age: 19 years and above
  • Expired Facility: 60 years old
  • Yuran: Waived
  • CTOS: RM20,000 and below (Please provide settlement statement if customer wishes to settle)

Zero Entry Cost(ZEC)

  • The following will be absorbed</u> by MBSB
    • Stamp Duty
    • Takaful Contribution -GCTT and
    • Charges on Redemption Statement(RS) Imposed by other banks - RM50.00 per RS; up to 5 RS per application(reimbursement basis)

***Important : Redemption Statement must reflect a rebate amount from existing financier

Payslip Expiry Date

Payslip will expire every 20th. Example:

  • February payslip will expire on the 20th April.
  • March payslip will expire on the 20th May

Document List

  1. MBSB Agreement
  2. BPA - 1 copy
  3. Photocopy of IC(disahkan majikan) - 2 copies
  4. Payslip original - 1 copy
  5. Payslip photocopy(disahkan majikan)(3 copies) for 3 months
  6. Pengesahan Jawatan
  7. Bank Account copy(disahkan majikan)
  8. Borang Amanahraya
  9. Borang Wasiat(Please provide photocopy of Kad Wasiat if customer inform he/she already has an account with amanahraya)
  10. Borang Temanku
  11. Settlement statement
  12. Opsyen Letter

Koperasi to request new settlement statement if settlement statement expired

  1. Kowaja - Kop Wawasan Pekerja - Pekerja Berhad
  2. Koop Aid - Kop Serbaguna Pertanian Perusahaan Kemajuan Berhad
  3. K. Punb - Kop Pembangunan Usahawan Nasional Berhad
  4. Ukhwah - Kop Pendidikan Islam Malaysia Berhad
  5. Koop Pusamaju - Kop Pembangunan usahasama Masyarakat Maju Bhd
  6. Kobeta - Kop Bersatu Tenaga Malaysia Berhad
  7. KoIman - Kop Serbaguna Iman Malaysia Berhad
  8. Kopesadik / Komaju - Kop Maju Ekonomi Pekerja Berhad
  9. Kowamas - Kop Wawasan Malaysia Berhad
  10. Kosetia - Kop Perkhidmatan Setia Berhad
  11. Koputri - Kop Putri Terbilang Malaysia Berhad
  12. Kuasa - Kop Usahawan Muda Malaysia Berhad
  13. Sejati - Kop Sejati Berhad (Ambank / Direct)
  14. Koop Gemilang - Kop Gemilang Siswazah Malaysia Berhad
  15. CTOS : (Bank Rakyat) (Personal Loan)
  16. CTOS : MBF(Cards)
  17. Koop Giat Maju - Kop Giat Maju Berhad
  18. Koperkasa - Koperasi Koperkasa Berhad

Target Market

  1. All Ag Payslip
  2. Polis
  3. LHDN
  4. State AG
  5. Perkeso

Non Target Market

  1. Mostly all submission from majlis.
  2. Kontrak
  3. DBKL
  4. Guru sandaran terlatih atau guru sandaran tidak terlatih - Reject
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