From Internal
Product Features
- Location: Whole Malaysia
- Interest Rate:5.00%
- Payout:RM80 - Insurance (refer table)
- Tenure:Max- 15 years or Age 70 years (which ever comes first)
:Min- 3 yrs
- Age: Max Age to apply: 66 years 9 months
- Financing Amount: RM5,000 to RM100,000
- Pension Amount: RM750.00 and above
- Gross Pension - Deduction (house-if any)
- Balance X 50%
Example if cust got house deduction:
>1000.00 - 300.00(potongan rumah) =700.00 >700.00 X 50% =350.00 (Kelayakan)
Example if cust no deduction:
>1000.00 X 50% =500.00 (Kelayakan)
Insurance Calculation
>Age : 60 yrs >Tenure : 10 years >Loan : RM10K >>Factor X Loan Amount divide 1000.00 >>91.61 X 10000.00 divide 1000.00 >>Takaful = 916.10
Document Required
- 2 Copies I/C
- 2 Copies Card PENCEN
- 1 Copy Spouse I/C (for male applicant only)
-Sijil Kematian -Sijil Cerai
- PENCEN Statement
- RHB Islamic Saving Account